Stop struggling with inconsistent, outdated or hard-to-measure standards.
Use Scorecards by configure8 to easily define, measure, and improve compliance with reliability, security, and architecture standards.
Watch a 4 minute scenario intro + demo video.
You can’t manage what you don’t measure, and every organization is unique. That’s why we offer the largest library of scorecard checks in the industry and support checks against custom data passed via API.
Define what it means to be ready for production and post-production audits. Detect missing elements or degradation.
Measure maturity levels for SLOs, incident response, vulnerability remediation, and more.
Measure maturity metrics like whether a repo contains the right files, the recency of the last commit, and whether PRs are required.
Define and measure deployment frequency, lead time for changes, mean time to recovery, and change failure rates.
Whether you are migrating platforms, transitioning to a new stack, upgrading library versions, or even migrating to new standards, Scorecards helps you track progress, identify risks, and, when combined with Self-Serve Actions, accelerate your success.
Define the severity and count of unremediated vulnerabilities, see which services and teams are exposed, and measure progress addressing them.
Try Scorecards for free today, and see the positive cultural impact transparency can make in your organization.
* Requires use of supported tools